Friday 18 May 2012


What a great time we had with Joe & Debbie and yes we did catch up to Ray & Hilda.  We went to Fremantle Park and Joe & Ray just started dancing ( I dont know) but I thought I would take the vidieo, hang on it looks like the dance Paul done in Canberra and on the Nullarbor but where is Paul now ?

Joe & Debbie's Home  ( we have taken over the drivway making ourselves at home ) had a great time with them all and it was hard to leave.
Freo Harbour (as the western australian's call it )
Great Eating What a day, yum
This is what I call going to the Casino in style ( it was a bit different for me as it is a left hand drive )
Paul handle it good

Burdswood Casino - wow very nice

the group
the girls

Margret River Winery's great day we even found a chocholate factory and a cheese factory good time all round .

The Margret River Fires Before and After Shots
Dog Beach Anyone !   Wow lots of dogs here Kyhe dog Leila bottom left corner had a great day didnt stop

Oh Gee Do U Think its Catchy

I fell in love with these emu's in Freo.

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