Sunday 13 May 2012

Leaving Mum's for Beginning of Trip

After so many false starts and challenges, at 9.15am Tuesday 17th April we FINALLY took off on our trip.

It was hard saying goodbye to everyone, especially Mum, but it is good that I can keep in touch and share what we are up to with family and friends.

Our first stop was Canberra to visit our friends Murray and Suzie.  It was quick visit but we still got to see some of the sights.

Here's a video of Paul on our short visit to Australia's Capital :)
 I know you're going to love this, so there'll be more to come...

The next one will be on the Nullabor and another with his two brothers, aka the 3 stooges, in Perth getting in on the act!

Paul got to talk to his best mate John Howard hahaha.    Paul said " Two Great Men "

The War Memorial

Inside the Parliment House   (very impressive )

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