Tuesday 15 May 2012

The Nullabor

We had a really good trip across the Nullarbor which we did in a rush (500klm a day) because we wanted to meet up with Ray and Hilda before they flew back to Sydney.

I was really surprised that it wasn't all desert.  The roads were really good but it was a bit cold and windy.

We hope to do it again in the summer time.

Here's another video of Paul on the Nullarbor :)

Airstrips on the road every 200 klm
At the border
Nutbush Retreat (nice stop)
This Statue is made from granite (Brian)
These trees had wine casts tied to them, I bet they had some good nights drinking them ...
I Loved these signs, Paul was going crazy slowing down so I could take photos .

WHAT ! Golf on the Nullarbor, yes they do , you can get a card with all the stops that you have to make across the Nullarbor and when you complete the hole you get your card stamped and when you have done all 18 hole you recieve a certificate WOW!  Paul's going to do it next time. 

While we were defrosting our dinner  a black crow was try to make off with it, and when we chased him away he brought back his friends to try again .

What a view   -   breathtaking and very chilly.

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