Wednesday 30 May 2012

Nanga Station

Nanga - This was our next stop, it is a old sheep station and then it was sold, and now called Nanga Resort - WELL - It might have been a great resort about 15years ago, It is really run down now, but don't get me wrong it was all there that was stated in the broucher (pool, spa, restaurant, bottle shop, shop, fuel station, motel, boat ramp, caravan park)  real country style and out dated, but it was really a great stay and the view and sunsets were beautiful.Paul didn't catch any fish there as it was windy and the water was not deep enough.
Just joking (this was on the station though )

This is the office entrance.

Our Site

The view from our site

Camp Kitchen

Arround the Caravan Park (Nanga Station )next 5 photos

These shells were everywhere they were ok to walk on.

These statues were made from these shells and they even make building blocks with them and the shower & toilet block were made from them to.

the pool

the hot spa (artisian water ) I lived in this spa day and night very nice.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Monkey Mia

Monkey Mia

Not a very long video

They were so close

I went in to hold and pat the dolphins and they told me that we are not to touch them,I thought that you were allowed to, Oh disappointed.  

It was very windy and cold the morning that we were there, we had to be there 7.45am , I was disappointed about not touching the dolphins but still great to see them close up and there were a lot of wild emu's there walking arround us there to, then we had breakfast there and just watch the dolphins.

Paul seen these catapilla's from the car and had to stop, they were just following each other.

This statue was made from shells, there were so many shells here the ground was just covered with them, even where we stayed the whole caravan park and beaches are covered with them, many.
Hey Jane see the fans. this is where we had breakfast.

These emu's where in a town called Denham on the way to Monkey Mia
just strolling through the streets.
This is a fishing platform on the way to Monkey Mia

Monday 21 May 2012


I will try to get this a bit clearer next time -  Joe and Jane here is the map I made where u can see which way we are travelling. Please show mum.


the Sign says-you'll love it - so true , great place to relax and see beauitful scenery, swimming and snokling fishing, crabing what else do you need.
Town Centre

Nature's Bridge

Mushroom 'Rocks

Walking track made from plastic boards

Island Rock
What a Man .

Outdoor Cinema (that's different)

Our Little Visitor  (he was eating a dragon fly ) he ran very fast , so glad it was only small


Day 1  -     3 Crabs  2 Bream
Day 2  -  3 Crabs

Well Guys Paul was thinking of you all and wishing that you were there to share these crabs.
\But someone got to eat them, Paul was there eating for 1hr he had all 3 at once.
I had them yesterday we had chilli crab.
On the BBQ

The water's great, went snokling with Jenny, another traveller we meet here
at Kalbarri

Sunset on the way to Kalbarri

Sunset a Kalbarri

Kalbarri This is the view as you drive into the town.

Its tough work getting lunch.

The finished product + pizza & date scones

We are sure eating well.

Friday 18 May 2012


What a great time we had with Joe & Debbie and yes we did catch up to Ray & Hilda.  We went to Fremantle Park and Joe & Ray just started dancing ( I dont know) but I thought I would take the vidieo, hang on it looks like the dance Paul done in Canberra and on the Nullarbor but where is Paul now ?

Joe & Debbie's Home  ( we have taken over the drivway making ourselves at home ) had a great time with them all and it was hard to leave.
Freo Harbour (as the western australian's call it )
Great Eating What a day, yum
This is what I call going to the Casino in style ( it was a bit different for me as it is a left hand drive )
Paul handle it good

Burdswood Casino - wow very nice

the group
the girls

Margret River Winery's great day we even found a chocholate factory and a cheese factory good time all round .

The Margret River Fires Before and After Shots
Dog Beach Anyone !   Wow lots of dogs here Kyhe dog Leila bottom left corner had a great day didnt stop

Oh Gee Do U Think its Catchy

I fell in love with these emu's in Freo.