Tuesday 2 October 2012

Corraboree Billabong & Shady Camp

Corraboree Billabong 
 We had a good day on the billabong, it was very hot and there were some really big croc's here and I caught a Barra but it was not legal, it was a great day seeing water lily's and lot's of birds.
Only caught 1 barra today under size  

water lily - this bird id walking on them 

You can hire these house boats as this billagong conects to the Mary river


This croc was very clse to the boat ramp

Shady Camp

Shady Camp dose it still look the same Joe

Barrage low tide

Barrage High Tide
salt water side of barrage high tide 

Salt water side of barrage low tide

This fellow flew in to check the water by copter
This bird got a fish stuck in his throat (took him a while to get it down,but he did finally)

there are fish on the barrage when high tide there and they swim from the freshwater to the salt wonderful to see.
ok Here are the fish photo's 

They were putting there catch of crabs in the fridge truck then they went out again

While sitting by the boat ramp reading my book look what I seen WOW

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