Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Left Sydney heading for Daily river NT , we had a few stops at friends on the way

First stop with fiends Bill & Kathy  at Seaham near Raymond Terrance ( didnt take any photo's unusual for me , must of been good just catching up , we had a great stay there,) also caught up with Kevin & Robyn at there new home at Boat Harbour near Port Stevens , good to see them again .

Our Next stop was visiting again friends Murry & Sue at there new home near Noosa , took photos this time.

the Boys hard at work just trimming the garden 

Our Next stop 1770

to see John a fellow we first meet in WA and travelled to a few fishing place with .
the view from the van at our friends John's home 

Paul and I were invited for a flight over 1770 by John's Daughter
Carolyn and her partner Woody who owns the plane 

We were staying on the point in the group of houses below what a view we had we stayed in John's front yard .

pancake river mouth 

Lady Mustgrave  coming back from trip to Lady mustgrave Island
Our friend John and his family run this business from 1770


The Tree Cafe /Pub 1770

Looking from 1770 to Agnes Water Beach
Our arking spot (Nice) 

Lady Mustgrave Island , where we snorkled ,island walk ,there is a glass bottom boat and a sub to see all the fish and turtles , we had a great day .

of course Paul in the Captians bridge.

Oh yes while at the island if u want to go fishing to the reef u can also do that, as Paul did .

the Catch

Landing on Lady Mustgrave Island
Island Walk 

People Camp on the Island for $5.00 a night

then back to the ship for snorkling, glass bottom boat and viewing room and lunch and snacks
its a full day trip leaves 830am back 500pm
Viewing room 

Glass bottom boat 
and we were lucky to see a couple of Whales on the way back.

While here we did look at a property that we liked and we put in a offer,  the owners did not live there,  and we left 1770 heading for NT , we almost got to Longreach when we got the call and they told us that the offer was accepted and we turned back to Agnes Water and 1770

On the way to longreach 

The thing that make u laugh  a mircrowave letterbox.

Now Back to Our New Home

39 Rafting Ground Rd Agnes Water QLD

Our New Home

Side or House

Front Dooe

Drive way 
Paul's new toy  
Shed (Mancave)
Garden (olive trees, lemons, oranges,macadams,lime,tomato,bananas, avocardo,walnuts, pawpaw,mangos, pinapples,figs)
now all we have to do is know how to look after them .....see how we go .

side fire pit and dog house in the background 


new carport and solar panels 

table that is on porch 
Paul went out to see how deep the dam is ( about 4mtrs)

back porch 
view from back porch
