Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Berry Springs

One of the farm shop 

 Tumbling Waters Caravan Park

Outdoor Office (that's different)

Kramer's Cousins

Really need pools here they are well used.

We seen Aviator  that is where the screen and the camera table for the outdoor cinema, we had to bring our own chairs, it we different                                                                                     

This bird is eating chicken that the croc didn't get

they had crocs feeding in the caravan park

this is a jetty the city of Darwin in the distance 

Bait wow  there were hundreds 

Paul caught a mackeral 

The locals came to fish  (we seen some locals at the shops today and they came out of the shop with Kangaroo tails)

Ohhhh a dead cane toad

Hey Zoran there was a spa on the roof of this house , but then again I think everything is outdoor in this house.     

       Berry Springs

I'm sorry but here are more hot springs, they are so great.

there were 3 ponds where you could swim 

Paul  Painting 

Kramer's new toy house