Tuesday 24 July 2012

Flight over the Horizontal Falls

Our flight over the Horizontal Falls , we took off from Derby in a small plane 5 seater our pilot Kate was very nice and we had a great flight,  10.30am Derby over King Sound to the falls then over lots of Islands and then over some open Iron ore minning, then across Pearl farm and landed at Cape Leveque 12.00pm for lunch and a swim (water was warm ) 2.15pm flew back to Derby 4.00pm.  Best Day...

A turf farm


If you look in the white water there is the boat that goes through the fall you have to catch a sea plane to do that.

Our Plane is the first one 

Derby Jetty 

On the way to our next stop Fitzroy Crossing .

Broome & Willie Creek


Pearl Lugger 

Cable Beach

Camel rides on Cable beach 
They let the cars drive on Cable Beach 

Oh No they ran over her hehehe

 Resorts At Cable Beach 

Willie Creek Pearl Farm 

Low Tide 8am 
High Tide 11am  it came up so fast .

Little soilder crabs
Close up of a crab

There are about 3000 refugees up here in camps at the last roadhouse we stayed at the interperters stayed there.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Telegraph Pool (near Broome )

Telegraph Pool

                                                   the view from the caravan
boat left just in front of site 
and the other side view
our site,  in the distance is the telegraph pole that the pool is named after .

720 Barra  Paul caught about 8 this day he'd go out in the morning then come back to camp for lunch and  then about 3pm he would go again .the size was 300 to 720 this day.
Paul has also caught fish on his new fly fishing rods he is very happy with it, as they stole his fly fishing rods from the rod tubes on the side of the car in Carnarvon, while Paul was fishing.
900 Barra ,  it was a bit windy today and Paul only went out in the arvo  we went for a drive in the morning.
he let the 900 Barra go as we had enough to eat (we only keep for couple of feeds)
Action shot - Eagle picking up the 720 Barra head 

the telegraph pole 

this old house belonged to a German guy they called "the hermit" he lived there for years and he had to build that top part for the wet season. He died about 2 years ago 

this boab tree was just behind our camp 

they were only about 10 johnson crocs they are not that big about five feet long, here but 2 years ago they had big salt water crocs here thank goodness they not here this year .   Still not going swimming....

Paul had to pick him up and say hi. bluey.
Here Paul is taking a nut off the tree, he is going to carve it.(will show u the finished product) 

On the way to Derby for the day.

Get off the road Paul.

Derby Jetty you drive on one side and fish the other.

Derby Jetty it a U shape the tide is moving so fast here there is not much else at Derby .

oh there is this it is called the prison boab, they did keep prisoners in there while travelling from town to town.

Back of prison boab the trunk is smooth .

Big boy.
 We do share our camp sites with cow and bulls luckly they leave you alone, we are staying on a working cattle station here, they just let you camp on there land and sometime the workers come to the pool and go fishing.
every morning they come down to drink.

I finally caught one  (put him back too small to keep ) the next day I caught another one about same size.

Willare Roadhouse  we stayed there 3 nights.